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G&G Legal FAQs

Click any topic to view a variety of FAQs and helpful resources on that area of law.

  • Preventing Liability During Terminations
    As a Nonprofit Director, you’re responsible for approving the hiring and firing of employees at the organization. Unfortunately, the process of firing employees doesn’t always go smoothly.
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  • Filing for Nonprofit Status
    Incorporating an entity as a nonprofit can result in significant tax breaks that are designed to enable charitable and other organizations to better carry out their mission. However, filing for nonprofit status requires jumping through a number of hoops, and the process can be very complicated.
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  • Starting a Nonprofit
    Starting a nonprofit is not much different from forming any other type of business entity. However, due to the unique tax status of nonprofit and charitable organizations, the overall process can be significantly more difficult and complex than a straightforward business formation.
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  • Navigating Legal Issues in a Church Setting
    Although churches and other religious ministries share many similar issues as other nonprofits, they also have many unique needs given their protected First Amendment status. Failing to take the proper precautions, follow government regulations, or establish transparent procedures can result in potential lawsuits against your church or even the loss of your church’s tax-exempt status. Our attorneys are experienced in navigating the special issues pertaining to churches and other religious ministries.
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  • Restrictions on Nonprofit Fundraising and Lobbying
    There are certain restrictions that nonprofit and charitable organizations must follow in order to retain their privileged tax status, particularly in the areas of fundraising and lobbying. Some types of organizations are prohibited from lobbying altogether, while others may engage in this practice. It is also important to make sure that nonprofit and charitable groups also practice fundraising within the confines of the law.
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