A Knowledgeable Law Firm Helping You File For Nonprofit Status
Incorporating an entity as a nonprofit can result in significant tax breaks that are designed to enable charitable and other organizations to better carry out their mission. However, filing for nonprofit status requires jumping through a number of hoops, and the process can be very complicated.
At the law firm of Gammon & Grange, P.C., our attorneys can help organizations of all types file for nonprofit status. From churches and ministries, to international NGOs and local charitable organizations, we have been committed to helping our clients achieve their needs for more than 30 years.
Filing For 501(c)(3) Status
An organization that has 501(c)(3) status is considered to be a tax-exempt organization. A number of steps must be taken before this designation can be granted, including:
- Filing Articles of Incorporation with the state you wish to incorporate in
- Registering with the Attorney General’s office in the state of incorporation
- Drafting and adopting of corporate bylaws
- Defining the roles of board members and employees
- Applying for an IRS income tax exemption
- Satisfying any state requirements for nonprofits
Our nonprofit attorneys help our clients at every step of the filing process to ensure that their organizations are set up to succeed. Once a nonprofit has been formed, there are strict guidelines that must be followed, such as limits on fundraising and lobbying. We are available to help guide charitable and nonprofit organizations along every step of the way, from formation to dissolution.
To Learn More About Filing For 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status, Call Our Nonprofit Organization Lawyers
For more information on how we put our more than 30 years of legal experience to work for you, contact our nonprofit law attorneys online or call us at toll-free 866-445-2911 or 703-761-5000 to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your situation. Discover for yourself how we earned our reputation for legal excellence and our track record of success.
With offices in Virginia, the law firm of Gammon & Grange, P.C., represents clients nationwide.